Many people think that compost bins are only for gardeners. Composting is a great way to recycle food scraps, reduce waste, and keep your garden soil healthy. So, if you’re looking for the best compost bin for the kitchen, then you’ve come to the right place.

Compost bins are easy to use and come in many different sizes. In this article, we’re going to show you our top choices for the best kitchen compost bin. That’s not all! You’ll also get to know the factors to consider before making a buying decision. Let’s get started!

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5 Best Compost Bin for Kitchen

After extensive research, we’ve compiled a comprehensive list of the top compost bins for your kitchen. Let’s check them out!

Joseph Joseph 20010 Easy-Fill Compost Bin

The first on our list of the best compost bin for the kitchen is the Joseph Joseph 20010. This compost bin is made from plastic and has a lid that can be opened, allowing you to add more food waste. The removable inner bucket has a capacity of 10 gallons and it’s easy to clean. Assembly requires no tools or screws, just snap together the two halves of the unit before adding your food waste into the bottom chamber.

It also comes with an easy-clean sleeve that allows you to easily remove any stains if needed without destroying any functionality of your new composting system!

The unit is made from BPA-free plastic, which means that it’s safe to use and won’t leach harmful chemicals into your compost. It’s also easy to clean, making it a great choice for anyone who wants an environmentally friendly way to dispose of their food waste.

Bellemain Stainless Steel Compost Bin

The Bellemain Stainless Steel Compost Bin is a great choice if you want an attractive, durable compost bin that can hold up to 24 hours of waste. This bin features a stainless steel design and lid, making it easy to clean and maintain.

The lid also has several holes in it so that the moisture inside the bin will evaporate quickly when opened, which helps keep odors down. This model also has an anti-slide base for added stability when putting it away after use. A feature that’s especially important if you have young children around!

The only downside to this model is that it isn’t as large as some of the other bins on our list. This means that you’ll need to empty it more often, but if you’re looking for a compact bin that fits in most kitchens and bathrooms this shouldn’t be an issue.

Utopia Kitchen Stainless Steel Compost Bin

The Utopia Kitchen Compost Bin is made of stainless steel, which makes it easy to clean and maintain. It also has a large capacity, which allows you to easily fit in more scraps than other bins on our list.

The bin has an easy-to-open lid that can be removed when you need to access your composting materials inside. This makes the lid convenient for removing or adding composting materials without having to remove everything from one side of the bin before getting at another end of it.

The base of this compost bin features non-slip feet so that it stays upright during use without falling over onto its side like many others do when left standing up straight after being filled with food waste or kitchen scraps (which would likely result in breaking something). To be honest, it deserves a spot on our list of the best compost bin for the kitchen.

Nature Mill Nm1-14 Stainless Automatic Kitchen Composter

The Nature Mill Nm1-14 is a compost bin that operates automatically. You can set it to turn on and off at specific times, such as early in the morning or late at night. This means you don’t have to worry about turning it on yourself when you’re ready for your food scraps to decompose, but also doesn’t waste energy by running continuously throughout the day like some other models do.

The Nature Mill also has an automatic timer feature that will stop working after a certain amount of time has passed (or when it detects no more food scraps), so there’s no need for manual intervention if someone forgets about turning it off themselves!

You can use this model inside or outside. If you’d prefer not having anything within sight when using this machine though we recommend using something like an outdoor enclosure so nothing gets damaged by pests (like flies).

Epica Stainless Steel Compost Bin

The Epica Stainless Steel Compost Bin is another great option for those who want a compost bin that’s easy to clean and maintain. It comes with a lifetime warranty, which means if it breaks or malfunctions during the first year of use, you can get it replaced free of charge.

The Epica Compost also has a removable lid that makes emptying the contents into your home’s garbage disposal much easier than other models on this list. This is especially helpful if you have an older model with limited space inside your kitchen cabinet!

When removing this lid (which has its own handles), simply pull down gently until it unlocks from underneath where it sits atop the unit itself—no tools required!

The capacity of this unit is 10 gallons. However, due to its size, we recommend using only about 3-4 gallons at once since larger quantities will cause some overflow issues later down through time. The last but not least on our list of the best compost bins for the kitchen is the Epica Composter.

How to Use a Compost Bin in the Kitchen

Start by gathering your materials. In order to compost in your kitchen, you’ll need a compost bin, some soil, and some green and brown materials.

The green materials are the things that will help your compost break down, while the brown materials are the things that will provide carbon to help balance it out.

Once you have your materials assembled, it’s time to start composting! The first step is to add about two inches of soil to the bottom of your compost bin. This will help start the process and provide a place for worms and other microorganisms to live.

Next, add about half of your green materials and half of your brown materials to the bin. Mix everything together well, and then keep adding more material as you go. Composting takes time and patience, so be sure to keep adding material regularly!

What Can Go in Your Compost Bin

When it comes to what you can put in your compost bin, the sky’s the limit! In fact, pretty much any organic material can go in there and decompose over time to create nutrient-rich compost for your garden.

This includes fruit and vegetable scraps, coffee grounds, tea bags, eggshells, nutshells, lawn clippings, leaves, flowers, hay and straw. As long as the material is organic and biodegradable, it can go in your compost bin and help make your garden thrive.

The Benefits of Composting

Composting isn’t just great for the environment; it’s also great for your plants, flowers and garden.

Composting helps to improve soil quality and structure, which in turn helps your plants grow bigger and stronger. It also helps to retain water, which is important in dry climates or during periods of drought. Composting also releases nutrients into the soil, which helps your plants to thrive.

In addition, composting can help to reduce your waste output and save you money on fertilizers and plant food. And if that’s not incentive enough, most composting bins are affordable and easy to use.

How to Start Composting

green trash can beside wooden fence

Now that you know all about the different types of the best compost bin for the kitchen, it’s time to learn how to start composting. And don’t worry, it’s not as difficult as you might think.

The first step is to find a location for your bin. It should be in a sunny spot that’s close to your kitchen so that it’s easy to add scraps. Once you’ve found the perfect spot, drill some holes in the bottom of the bin for drainage.

Next, you’ll need to add some organic matter to the bin. This can be anything from leaves and grass to fruit and vegetable scraps. A good ratio to follow is two parts brown (carbon-rich) materials to one part green (nitrogen-rich) materials.

Once you’ve added your organic matter, it’s time to add some compost activator. This can be anything from coffee grounds to manure. The activator will help speed up the decomposition process.

Now all you have to do is wait! The compost will take anywhere from two weeks to two months to break down, depending on the temperature and moisture levels. Once it’s ready, you can use it as fertilizer for your plants.

What Is an Under Sink Compost Bin?

You might be wondering, what is an under sink compost bin? Well, as the name implies, it’s a bin that you can put under your kitchen sink to collect food scraps.

There are a few benefits of using an under sink compost bin. First, it’s out of sight and out of mind, so you’re less likely to be grossed out by it. Second, it’s convenient because you can just scrape your food scraps into the bin and forget about it until it’s time to empty it.

And finally, under sink compost bins tend to be small and compact, so they’re perfect for small kitchens or apartments where space is at a premium.

What to consider before buying the best compost bin for kitchen

Here are some things you should consider before buying the best compost bin for kitchen:


Material is important to consider when selecting the best compost bin for your kitchen. The material of a compost bin can affect how quickly it decomposes and how easily you can empty it.

Plastic is not recommended because it will not decompose, but if you do want to use plastic, then choose one that is made out of a biodegradable plastic like recycled milk jugs or food waste bags.

Odor control

Completing the composting process is important to get the best results, but it’s also essential to keep your house smelling good. There are many factors that can contribute to odors in your home, including pets and insects.

If you have a dog or cat who likes to venture outdoors at all hours of the day and night (or if you live in a city with lots of mosquitos), then having an outside bin could be helpful in reducing the amount of smells coming through your windows.

Another thing we’ve seen is that some people choose bins without lids because they think it helps keep out critters like mice! But this isn’t necessarily true

Mice can still get into some compost bins if they’re not locked securely enough against them trying their luck at getting inside through vents or gaps around doors/windows where animals might get inside easily enough without needing much effort from them first before doing so).

Size of the bin

two trash cans inside dark room

The size of the bin depends on your needs. The more compost you want to make, the larger your bin will need to be. This is because it takes more time for food scraps and yard waste to decompose if you do not break them down into small pieces first.

If you want to store a large amount of organic material, then a smaller size might be best for your needs (such as an 8-gallon container). If storage isn’t an issue, then consider getting a composting tumbler instead. It’s easy enough to empty out once or twice a week and keep everything fresh until needed again!

Lid type

Lid type: The lid is the most important part of the best compost bin for the kitchen. It’s what you have to put on top of your pile when you’re okay with it and ready to take it out of the house.

Some bins come with lids, while others require you to buy one separately. When choosing a lid for your kitchen compost bin, consider how easy it will be for you or another person who may want access to this area (like children) when they’re cleaning up after themselves.

If there aren’t any features on the lid itself that indicate what type of material it should be made out of (like plastic), then look into buying a wooden one first! This way if something breaks easily during regular use then hopefully we won’t end up having too much trouble replacing anything else before moving onto something else entirely.

Ease of use and cleaning

One of the main considerations for a compost bin is how easy it will be to use and clean. When you’re done with your food waste, you don’t want to spend any time struggling with emptying the bin or cleaning out its contents.

You also want to make sure that your composting system has enough space inside so that you can store all of your kitchen scraps in one place without having them spill over into another part of your home (or backyard). Finally, if possible, try looking at different models before committing yourself—one size won’t fit all!

Frequently Asked Questions:

Why should I consider using a compost bin in my kitchen?

Using a kitchen compost bin helps reduce food waste, recycle organic materials, and create nutrient-rich compost for your garden.

What are the advantages of having a dedicated compost bin in the kitchen?

Dedicated kitchen compost bins are convenient, reduce odors, and make it easy to collect kitchen scraps for composting.

What factors should I consider when choosing the best compost bin for my kitchen?

Consider factors like size, material, lid design, odor control, ease of cleaning, and whether it fits your kitchen’s aesthetics.

Are kitchen compost bins only for people with gardens?

No, even if you don’t have a garden, you can still compost kitchen scraps and later donate or share the compost with others who do garden.

Can I compost all types of kitchen waste in a kitchen compost bin?

You can compost fruit and vegetable scraps, coffee grounds, eggshells, and more. However, avoid composting meat, dairy, and oily foods, which can attract pests.


Composting is a great way to reduce waste and use your kitchen scraps as fertilizer. By composting, you can also reduce the amount of waste that ends up in landfills, which helps conserve water and energy resources. The best compost bin for the kitchen should be big enough for all of your kitchen scraps. So, they don’t get mixed up or spilled all over the place. And at least one inch deep for drainage purposes, too! You want all those veggies turning into soil without having any standing water around either surface where bacteria could grow easily (like inside plastic bins).